In today's climate of superficial information overload, manipulative marketing, self-help, and dogma, it's easy to feel alone, overwhelmed and lost. You don't need another box to fit into or a quick fix for your problems, but someone who understands the full complexity of your human experience. Grounding Green gives you the tools to keep finding your way back to your authentic nature, your true inner voice and your genuine desires – always in balance with the natural world that we so clearly rely on for wholesome living.
What drives people to start living in more balance with nature?
In my own academic research into what motivates people for conscious, sustainable and eco-friendly living and what hinders them in doing so, I found that mindfulness and introspection are critical components. Whilst most people I interviewed set out to help protect our planet, they quickly noticed how they themselves became happier, healthier and more fulfilled when adopting an all-encompassing green lifestyle. That became the basis for Grounding Green.
The best way to preserve the Earth's natural resources on which we all rely for living, is by reconnecting people with themselves and holding space for their unprocessed pain. This way, they'll become less impressionable to purchase things that don't even contribute to their overall well-being.
Grounding Green's raison d'être

Conscious & Sustainable Living
An excessive focus on consumerism and worldly accomplishments are not only detrimental to the planet at large, but a symptom of a greater underlying problem: humanity out of balance. When striving to live more sustainably for the sake of preserving natural resources and mitigating the effects of the climate crisis, you'll notice that your own wellbeing takes a drastic turn for the better too.

Consumer Psychology
Most people are unaware of how they're influenced by clever marketeers and spin doctors on a daily basis. It has become normal to promote products and services by applying manipulation techniques designed to take advantage of the shortcomings of our brains. Add a sea of debilitating subconscious beliefs and trauma responses picked up in childhood, and we have a recipe for following the crowd.

The Spiritual & Metaphysical
With so much focus on our 3D existence and short-term benefits, it's easy to forget that we're part of a larger universe. Yet when we check back into our deep inner knowing, we quickly realize that everyone and everything is connected. Ancient traditions have already attempted to discover the universal meaning of life. Today, we can benefit from a plethora of mystical tools to help guide us back to who we were born to be.

The Groundworks
Through years and years of societal conditioning, many of us have gotten deeply lost in this game of keeping up with the Joneses. As a result, our individual sparks have become dulled slowly but surely. What if I told you that there are ways to retrieve your 'Groundworks', allowing you to start living a life that feels authentically yours? One that doesn't involve the need to prove your worth by conforming to the success metrics of the status quo, but that allows for ease and flow instead? Sometimes all we need is to be reminded of the unique blueprint that each of us came onto this planet with. Astrology, Human Design, and the Gene Keys are incredible tools that can help guide you back to what you've always known about your own nature deep down.
Digging Deeper
Research has shown that 95% of our daily decision-making is subconscious. There's an evolutionary advantage to this as it would simply require too much energy to be evaluating all the stimuli we encounter on a daily basis. Therefore, our brain takes shortcuts and takes in the world through the filter that was established in our (early) childhood. It's what we call conditioning. Perhaps unbeknownst to us, we have taken in programming that hinders us from living a life that feels truly meaningful and connected. By 'Digging Deeper' and examining the roots of your behavior, we can remove potential blockages that stand in the way of fully embodying your authentic self.

Earth-based Living
After we've made sure that your foundation is rock solid and there's fertile ground to work with, we can now plant the seeds for a truly conscious and sustainable way of being. We are a part of nature and share its rhythms deep within us, yet most of us fail to remember this precious connection in today's societies. We heavily rely on nature in order to survive; we would be nowhere without clean air or fertile ground. And we go back to nature once we die. The Earth is inseparable from our existence, but we treat it like it's insignificant and disposable.
Unlike what most scholars believe, in my own research, I have found that having access to reliable information is absolutely critical for adopting a sustainable lifestyle. Most people don't actually want to harm the Earth or other sentient beings, but they're often just unaware of the consequences of their daily actions. Green living is about so much more than separating your waste. I dug deep into the causes and effects of climate change and biodiversity loss on a global scale. With this grounded knowledge, you get a direction to start doing your part by adopting behaviors that will actually make a difference – and also happen to be deeply fulfilling to you personally.
Meet the founder
Work with me
You want to better understand yourself and your life as a whole through Astrology, Human Design and the Gene Keys, by receiving a solid foundation of insights for you to slowly unravel for years to come.
You want to know what the future has in store for you based on astrological transits and other timing techniques, so that you can mentally, physically and spiritually prepare yourself and plan your year ahead.
You want to receive personalized guidance and gentle provocations that help you walk your unique path in life, from someone who truly sees you and holds space for your continued unfolding.
You want to troubleshoot regarding a specific question, situation or concern in your life right now, by seeking to understand and resolve the underlying psychological dynamics, using a blend of mutually reinforcing tools.
You want to be authentic, whilst also experiencing belonging – at home in the world, but free to live life on your own terms – by anchoring the roots to yourself, your personal ancestry or even society at large through a Constellation exercise.
You are on a mission to change the world for the better, but need help bringing your business vision to life in a way that feels both authentic and ethical, whilst firmly grounded in reality at the same time.
E-books & Masterclasses
A grounded knowledge base to draw from
Learning is Marleen's passion, and she's gathered an awful lot of knowledge over the years from a multitude of disciplines. Some say that Marleen is a walking library, and because she truly believes that knowledge equals power, it would hurt her to see all these insights go to waste. Therefore, Grounding Green has assembled the highlights of Marleen's study time in digital products for you to digest in your own time and space.

A synthesis of worlds
From Grounding Green's Blog
The climate crisis is a symptom of a far larger problem: only a mindset shift will engender long-term, positive change
Climate change is the most urgent challenge humanity faces today. Some of the proposed solutions may provide quick fixes, but without taking a step back and drastically rethinking what provides us happiness and prosperity, there will be no end to it. At what cost does individual freedom come?
The ongoing Saturn-Uranus square is likely to get heated this fall
One of the major astrology sagas of 2021 encompasses an ongoing tension between the planets Saturn and Uranus. Where Saturn restricts, Uranus wants to break free. All of us have felt this push-and-pull dynamic all year long. This week will mark yet another amplification point of the energy.
From hotel receptionist to researching what motivates people to live sustainably
This interview was originally published via Guusje Nagels from Idea-list. We go into my professional background, mission for Grounding Green as well as the academic research I executed centered around the question: what motivates people to live sustainably and what prevents them from doing so?

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