You want to better understand yourself and your life as a whole through Astrology, Human Design and the Gene Keys, by receiving a solid foundation of insights for you to slowly unravel for years to come.
You want to know what the future has in store for you based on astrological transits and other timing techniques, so that you can mentally, physically and spiritually prepare yourself and plan your year ahead.
You want to receive personalized guidance and gentle provocations that help you walk your unique path in life, from someone who truly sees you and holds space for your continued unfolding.
You want to troubleshoot regarding a specific question, situation or concern in your life right now, by seeking to understand and resolve the underlying psychological dynamics, using a blend of mutually reinforcing tools.
You want to be authentic, whilst also experiencing belonging – at home in the world, but free to live life on your own terms – by anchoring the roots to yourself, your personal ancestry or even society at large through a Constellation exercise.
You are on a mission to change the world for the better, but need help bringing your business vision to life in a way that feels both authentic and ethical, whilst firmly grounded in reality at the same time.
Note: Because not everybody receives equal opportunities in this world,
sliding scale prices are available to ensure that nobody is priced out.
All services are detailed below

baseline price
Sliding scale
-35% | -15% | +15% | +35%
€559 | €731 | €989 | €1161
We uncover your personal blueprint based on your natal Astrology, Human Design and Gene Keys. You’ll get insights into your personality characteristics, innate talents, childhood conditioning, wounding, love language, finding your inner truth, life purpose, career path and so much more. This is a truly solid and practical foundation to keep coming back to.
The world is filled with people who try to give you generic life advice – oftentimes the things that have worked for them. The thing is, we are all on a unique trajectory – born with personal talents and gifts, a way to love, sense of mission, and so on. Although we often know this truth deep down, many of us still fear to march to the beat of our own inner drum. Feeling small because of what we're told by friends, family or even the world at large, we gaslight ourselves; thinking silently that we "should" be able to do X, Y, Z, even when it feels wrong. Before we know it, the years have passed us by – while we remain stuck living somebody else's life.
There is something immensely freeing about learning that you're meant to be the way you are, or that you're not crazy for bumping up against certain life challenges that others don't seem to be grappling with. When looking at your life through the lenses of Astrology, Human Design, and the Gene Keys, you'll likely find that they provide you with the permission slip you didn't know you needed to finally start trusting your inner voice. Where the results of self-reported personality tests tend to change over time, these esoteric disciplines do not only address your blind spots, but also remain steady as a rock throughout your lifetime. Does that mean that you have no personal agency? Certainly not. Whilst a chart interpretation can show you the energy that you're working with, it is ultimately up to you whether you choose to live out its highest or lowest expression.
Mind you though, the process of self-actualization is not for the faint of heart. Learning about yourself and actually walking your talk are not the same thing. As you truly allow these disciplines to expand your awareness, there is no going back to suppressing your genuine needs and desires. This, in turn, may very well transform your life.
- 1 to 1.5-hour Introduction to assess your needs, expectations & current life circumstances
- 2 to 3-hour Astrology Natal Horoscope interpretation
- 2 to 3-hour Human Design BodyGraph interpretation, mingled with the Gene Keys
- Personalized PDF guide with additional details (150+ pages)
- Video/audio recordings + automated transcripts
Note: this service is also available as a 3-month Integration Trajectory, see FAQ.
Important: in order to make the necessary calculations, I need your precise date, time and place of birth
In order to give an accurate interpretation of your birth charts, it is absolutely critical that I have your precise time of birth, along with the date and location. The closer you are to the actual minute, the more accurate my interpretation will be. Needless to say, I treat your personal information with the utmost confidentiality.
The most reliable way to find your precise time of birth is by getting a copy of your birth certificate from the municipality you were born in. This can usually be requested online. You may be charged a small fee (€10-20), depending on your country. Alternatively, you could ask the hospital for its records of your birth if this applies. Some people also have a birth announcement card or photo album that features the time. Please be warned that solely relying on your mum’s memory can be tricky. Child labor tends to be an intensive and time-consuming process, in which time details can become a bit of a blur. You wouldn’t be the first to be given a wrong time of birth, and the psychological impact of such mistakes can be quite serious.
Regardless of which route you choose, it is your own responsibility to provide accurate birth details. When the information turns out to be incorrect after our session together, I cannot give you a refund.
Allowing me to lay out your Groundworks has a baseline price of €860 net total. There are no taxes added. This price includes two separate natal chart interpretations (worth €270 each), an introduction call (€90), and an extensive PDF guide (150+ pages) for further self-study (€230). In the introduction call, I ask you to paint a broad strokes picture of your life, so that I can better tailor my work to your present-day needs and expectations. This will, hopefully, ensure efficient use of our time together.
Please note that this service is non-refundable, given its personally tailored nature and the amount of work it takes to fully dissect your natal blueprint. I request your payment in advance, and will send you an invoice upon scheduling your sessions. Once received in full, your time slots will be confirmed. No changes can be made hereafter. I only reschedule your session(s) in the face of exceptional personal circumstances.
If you feel drawn to work with me, but can’t afford my services right now, I encourage you to read more about my sliding scale prices below. Courtesy discounts of up to 35% are available to those who need it.
Grounding Green’s full Terms & Conditions apply.
Regardless of the ‘American Dream’ type of propaganda you’ve been fed, not everybody receives the same kind of opportunities in life. According to research conducted by Oxfam Novib, the wealthiest 1% of people own almost half of the world’s wealth, whilst 800 million people still go to bed hungry every day. These statistics are insane, and yet this is the world we live in.
Needless to say, I cannot change this system-wide inequality by myself. And yet, I want to set an example of the type of world I do want to live in, whilst remaining able to secure my own livelihood at the same time. Because somewhere in between these far ends of the inequality spectrum, are people like you and me. Even among the wealthiest nations of the planet, inequality shows itself in various ways. Guidance toward self-actualization is often only accessible to the most priviliged. Yet, it is my belief that the world would be a much better place if everyone could make their unique contribution to it by doing what they truly love to do. Besides, everybody deserves that opportunity.
The Wheel of Privilege and Power was originally developed by the Canadian Council of Refugees in an attempt to map out where the imbalances predominantly exist. The concept is simple: the less access you have to power within any given society, the more marginalized you are. As a few examples, power typically gets refused to those who have a low formal education level, dark skin color, are female, homosexual, physically disabled or neurodivergent. For a full overview, please click the link above. Many people have extended the original wheel since then in order to include even more marginalized groups.
If you recognize yourself in any of these categories, or have other reasons to believe that your chances in life are being compromised, you may select the sliding scale price upon booking your appointment. There really is no shame in doing so, as it is probably not your fault. Moreover, there will be no questions asked, because I trust that you can gauge your own financial situation alongside your need for help with integrity.
When you choose a sliding scale price, you can get up to 35% off compared to the baseline price. This means that you’ll only pay €559 for my Groundworks service instead of the regular €860 according to the best case scenario. If you’re reading this and have just become aware of the amount of privilege you actually have, I simultaneously encourage you to donate up to 35% on top of my service fee, so that the sliding scale price can remain available to those who truly need it.
To schedule your Groundworks, please select a timeslot for an Introduction video call from my Business Calendar below. I’ll get in touch with you hereafter to schedule 2 additional 3-hour sessions to take place a couple of weeks after your chosen date.
My standard practice is to meet online, via Zoom. This allows me to work with people from all over the globe. Even if you live locally, a virtual session still offers tremendous benefit to you; I can record my screen and audio at the same time, so that when you go back to the recording in the future, you will see me highlighting exactly what I’m talking about in your charts on screen. Nonetheless, if you still prefer to meet in real life, I can also travel to your home or to an alternative venue of your choice – as long as it allows for a private and undisturbed conversation. A travel fee of €0.23 per kilometer applies outside a range of 10 kilometers from my home in The Hague, The Netherlands.
I am able to converse with you in both English and Dutch, the latter being my mother tongue. Note that the additional material for self-study will be provided in English. It’s helpful to know that I have a knack for languages, and so you can also occasionally address me in your mother tongue (most notably German, French, Italian or Spanish) should words fail you during our session.
Astrology has a rich history that dates back to over 4,500 years ago. By means of empirical observations throughout the ages, humans have learned to decipher how events in the sky correspond with life here on Earth. “As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul” (Hermes Trismegistus). This started out with very simple correlations, such as: “when an eclipse takes place, the king dies”, but became increasingly sophisticated over time. Although Astrology has known periods of oversight and hush-ups (think: witch hunts), as well as revival (for instance: it was a central feature in Greco-Roman culture), this ancient craft has ultimately stood the test of time.
While most people know their Sun sign thanks to the newspaper columns that erupted in the 1960 and 70s, not many realize that this represents only a very basic understanding of your personality through the archetypal lens of Astrology. When looking at a snapshot of the entire sky from the time and place you were born, we can for example see your preferred communication style and how you take in information (Mercury), how you can most naturally access your feelings and intuition (Moon), how you show up in relationships and what things you value (Venus), how you express your anger and can best motivate yourself (Mars), where you experience most fears and hardship (Saturn), but also where you’re uniquely gifted and blessed (Jupiter). And of course, your Sun sign shows how you shine your light out into the world. We can even distinguish characteristics of entire (sub-)generations by looking at the outermost planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto). Aside from the planets as the active agents of your natal horoscope, we can divide the wheel into 12 different houses, which mark the areas of life that most of us seek to better understand, such as your upbringing, health, living situation, romantic partnership, friendships, career and finances. And finally, the North and South Nodes of the Moon – calculation points of where the apparent path of the Sun crosses that of the Moon, called the ecliptic – hide the secrets of your unique life purpose here on planet Earth. All of these things can ultimately help you to unlock your greatest potential.
We could honestly talk about your birth chart for hours and hours – and we will. Even so, by considering what demands the greatest attention in your life right now prior to our first meeting, you can make the most of our time together. Which questions are you looking to get answered? Which specific concerns do you have that you’re hoping to get insights into? Because there are so many different avenues we could explore, it helps to provide me with a clear objective or area of focus.
Note 1: I practice modern, Western Astrology, using the Tropical Zodiac system. My approach to Astrology is mostly psychological and evolutionary in nature rather than predictive, as I believe that it’s ultimately up to the individual how the chart gets expressed. Having said that, I do incorporate some ancient, Hellenistic techniques such as Sect into my chart interpretations too. Finally, I use the Whole Sign house system to determine the concrete and objective events of your life, although I’ll certainly also peak at the Placidus division of your houses in order to gauge your psychological attitudes.
Note 2: although your natal horoscope stays with you for life, it is certainly not static. Elements of it may be especially activated right now due to the current planetary transits. If you want to better understand the life cycles you’re moving through or what the near future has in store for you, I highly recommend bundling your Groundworks (01) with a Terrain Ahead (02) session.
Human Design entered this world in 1987 through a man who later called himself Ra Uru Hu. He claims that he heard “the voice” reveal this system to him for eight days straight. Even so, Human Design is a synthesis of esoteric knowledge (Astrology, the Hindu Chakra System, Chinese i’Ching and Jewish Kabbalah Tree of Life) and modern-day science (quantum physics, astronomy, genetics and biochemistry). Together, they create the BodyGraph, which shows you the nature of your aura, and how it gets affected by your interactions with others. Although Astrology does not provide any conclusive answers as to how exactly it works, Human Design posits that neutrinos – the smallest known building blocks that travel at near-lightspeed and can pass through matter – leave a permanent energetic imprint on us when we are born, as well as 88 days before it. Aside from this, the ongoing neutrino stream also affects us in the here and now by means of planetary transits.
Out of the various possible configurations of the BodyGraph, 4 generic energy types arise, to know: Manifestor, Generator, Projector and Reflector. Each type has its own unique characteristics along with a strategy of how to best navigate this plane. In addition, each of us has a unique personal authority that guides us in our daily decision-making. Because of this, Human Design is very practical and hands-on. It gives you tips on which diet and environment are most nourishing for you, how you can recognize your ‘not-self’ behaviors and so much more. Ultimately, it shows you how to live your life in flow rather than constant resistance.
Note: I try to stay as close to the original teachings of Ra Uru Hu as possible, in order to prevent some of the knowledge’s distortion that you see in many places today as Human Design has gained traction. However, I’ll also be the first to acknowledge where some of his original language has become outdated and needs refining. Whereas I don’t stand by the seemingly endless possibilities for your life as suggested by manifestation culture (we all have limitations), I do want these teachings to feel empowering to you.
Out of the 3 disciplines, the Gene Keys is the newest by far. It is a further evolution of the Human Design system by Richard Rudd – who worked alongside Ra Uru Hu for many years. According to the Gene Keys, we each have a Hologenetic Profile that represents our evolutionary journey through life. The key of this system lies in the word ‘evolutionary’, meaning that we have the ability to grow.
Whereas Human Design can sometimes be quite deterministic in nature, the Gene Keys help us see that the various components of your natal imprint can be expressed in different ways depending on your personal level of maturation. Along this line of thinking, each of the original 64 hexagrams of the i’Ching have their shadow, gift and siddhi expressions. Moreover, the Gene Keys introduce us to the art of contemplation; when we use our mind’s thinking in tandem with our body’s felt sensations and lived experience, we reach a level of understanding that changes our biochemistry. In less complicated terms: our outer lives will begin to change as our combined mental, physical and emotional awareness grow over time.
Note: a couple of hours certainly isn’t going to be enough to discover, let alone integrate, the immense wisdom that the Gene Keys hold. That’s why we’ll primarily focus on your Human Design BodyGraph, and use the Gene Keys as complementary teachings. If you wish, I can direct you to further Gene Keys reading that can assist you on your onward journey of contemplation.
You don’t have to believe in any of it in order to get something out of a consultation with a specialist. Astrology, Human Design and the Gene Keys are not belief systems, but archetypal languages. Think of them as lenses that, through their color, offer you a new way of seeing the world. As a result, your awareness expands. When you’ve integrated your lessons, you can then let go of the new frame of reference (lense) again.
I do not work with these disciplines with the aim of boxing you in. You are a marvel of a human being, and any attempt to define you by means of predetermined constructs is by nature going to be flawed. However, that doesn’t mean that there’s no validity to using these tools. I have seen them work time and time again – perhaps because we take what resonates and leave the rest. Perhaps there’s indeed more to the universe than meets the eye. I do not seek to know how they work, because some things are simply beyond our human understanding.
If you’re a sceptic, but your curiosity is peaked regardless, you’ll be in good hands with me. Although I’ll always challenge your assumptions, it’s not my style to tell you what to believe in. Besides, the true value of this knowledge will show itself in your own experiment with it afterward anyway.
If you already have a thorough understanding of either your natal Astrology or Human Design, you may choose to cut your Groundworks in half. We then zoom into either modality separately; instead of two times a 2 to 3-hour session, we only meet for one. At the cost of €475, you then get the Introduction Call, your interpretation of either your Astrology OR your Human Design chart as well as the recordings, transcripts and half of the original PDF guide (still 75+ pages).
I totally get that. Quite frankly, it will be a lot of information coming at you in just a short amount of time. For this reason, I’ll always have mini-breaks during my sessions, so that we can both get back to center. You’ll also get both the recording and the PDF guide so that you can re-orient to the material at your own leisure, and as your life circumstances change.
Still, some people prefer to digest this knowledge in even smaller doses. This can be particularly true for those of us who have a process-based authority in Human Design (emotional or soundboarding), who are strategic learners (top arrows pointing left), or who investigate slowly but deeply to get a solid foundation of knowledge (1-line profile, or Mercury in an earth sign). Regardless of your specific chart configuration, if you felt called to read the answer to this question, then I want you to honor your need for having a longer processing time! Unlike what society tries to tell us, life is not a competition of who gets somewhere fastest.
To meet your need, I can adjust my standard Groundworks service by cutting it up into smaller pieces. You’ll get a full 3-month Groundworks Integration Trajectory instead. We see each other a total of 9 times for a 2 to 2.5-hour session each time, over the course of 3 lunation cycles. We do not meet at the New Moon phase, so you can use these times to turn inward and reflect – as nature wants us to. At the same time, I’ll drip-feed your personalized PDF guide throughout the trajectory. Essentially, you’ll get triple the processing time together with me along with a sea of extra time to integrate on your own, which allows you to catch your energetics in real time and tends to lead to enhanced understanding. Moreover, we can use this additional time to supplement the Groundworks’ theoretical knowledge with somatic exercises and constellations to further deepen your awareness. The total cost for such a Groundworks Integration Trajectory is €2580.
As a natural Investigator, my approach to your Groundworks is highly intensive and in-depth. Know that this is unusual for consulting Astrologers and Human Design analysts, who often just give you a broad-strokes overview of your natal blueprint in under an hour. This is your life we’re talking about, and I take this responsibility very seriously. My preparation process is lengthy, and I spend a couple of weeks consulting different books and training materials so that I can distill the essence out of the various and sometimes paradoxical elements of your charts. If you’re here because you want to learn something fun about yourself that you’ll forget about before the year has even passed, then my style is not for you.
However, if you’re here because you’re ready to look deep into your shadow self and transform your life, then I’ll be honored to guide you on that path. I have an innate talent to spot what’s deeply hidden in people combined with a strong sense of empathy that cannot be taught. Aside from this, I am very open-minded in terms of personal life choices – as long as they do no obvious harm to others – and believe in a healthy synthesis of knowledge. Where appropriate, I complement my factual knowledge of your charts with practical insights and tools such as nervous system regulation techniques, family systems theory, attachment styles, etc. as needed.
If you’d like to learn more about me and my background, you can visit my About page.
Note: please be aware that you may be projecting onto me, and while that’s only natural with my design, I ask that you remain critical of your own assumptions and expectations. I cannot “save” you, and you remain the ultimate authority of your own life.
Why do we need astrology at all? No reason. Many people live very well without it. Nothing can be learned from a birthchart that could not be learned someplace else. Go into psychotherapy, meditate in a Tibetan monastery, fall in love, discover a lost city—any of those might do the same thing. Astrology is just one more path to self-knowledge. And like all other paths, it has certain advantages and disadvantages. Astrology’s principal advantage is speed. Without it, we may stumble around for years trying to sort out good information about who we are from all the phony truths and empty dreams with which we have been programmed. Psychotherapy may accelerate the process. So might a dynamic marriage. So might an adventure that pushes us to the limits of endurance, stripping away everything but the barest essentials of our character. But all those processes take time. And each has pitfalls of its own. On the other hand, an astrological reading [..] consumes only an afternoon. In a matter of two or three hours a level of self-awareness can be generated that might take years to put together in any other way. Astrology’s disadvantages? All that fine information can go in one ear and out the other. Astrology does not change people any more than psychotherapy changes people. People change themselves.

Victoria Petch
Quebec, Canada
My experience with Marleen was so special. She took the time to look at everything and show me what to look out for and what to feel. Being a busy entrepreneur who is always trying “to go through life”, made me realize that I’m also a hermit and I need my space alone sometimes. If you need guidance and answers on how you and your mind work.. please consider Marleen! She’s a beautiful and special human ♥
Anonymous Male
Paris, France
Marleen is a young, talented and skilled astrologer. Her work has helped me to clarify my life, both my past and my future. It helped me to confirm certain aspects of my life. In addition, the reading of my natal chart and horoscope gave me precious information on certain aspects of my life that were still in a "grey area". Marleen provides a lot of detail while being flexible about the themes she addresses. The most important difference in her work is the analysis of our body graph through the human design concept, which allows us to learn more about ourselves and our lives. If your introspection work is already well advanced considering the evolution of your life, it allows to bring many confirmations. In one word: I recommend, it is worth it!

Gemma Lago
Leiden, The Netherlands
I found a beautifully challenging combination with Marleen: Astrology with Human Design from a perspective of intellectual giftedness! Her intensive and comprehensive Groundworks gave me even more insight into my personal characteristics, qualities, and pitfalls. The Terrain Ahead session gave me many handles and tools for the upcoming period. Marleen is a very driven and dedicated interpreter with an open-minded approach to your astro-design.

Mirjam Diender
Rotterdam, the Netherlands
It's definitely Marleen's super power to hold up an unrelenting mirror to someone. I know of no one else that is able to see right through me the way that she does, or that notices things about me that I hadn't even discovered myself.
Terrain Ahead
We predict the broad strokes of your near future, by assessing personal planetary transits and the life cycles you're moving through. This uniquely personal astrological weather report puts your mind at ease and helps you plan your year ahead.
Your birth chart is not static, but constantly in flux because of present-day planetary transits (how they line up in the skies right now) as well as other timing techniques. Transits affect all of us – whether we're aware of it or not. So-called 'mundane' transits steer global trends, but on a personal level, transits play out differently for everyone. A transit always interacts with your natal chart – essentially activating its latent potential. In a practical sense, this means that certain areas of your life are brought into stronger focus during different times. Transits layer on top of other timing techniques such as such as your secondary progressions (a day after birth foreshadows a year after birth, and so on), your solar return (the moment the sun returns to the exact position it was at when you were born speaks to your personal year ahead), and annual profections (each year a different part of your chart gets highlighted).
You can think of your personal timing as the weather that you're going to have to navigate. During some seasons, it's going to rain. You could wish the rain away, but there's truly no point. Transits and the bigger life cycles you're moving through are beyond our control. However, how you respond to them makes all the difference. You could certainly put on some outdoor gear that will help you weather the storm with grace, rather than getting yourself soaking wet – suffering as a result.
Even more so than with the traditional weather, astrological timing can impact your life greatly. Learning about transits and other timing calculations can therefore help you make more informed and oftentimes better life choices. You now know what to expect, which means that you're not caught completely off guard when your life takes an 180-degree turn. Instead, you can mentally prepare yourself, plan ahead where possible, and choose to spend your time and energy a lot more efficiently. After all, why would you try to climb a mountain when there's a storm pulling you down if you can also select a lovely, sunshiny day for it? Besides, it can be very comforting to know that there will be an end to the difficult transit you're currently moving through.
- 2 to 3-hour forecast of your personal upcoming year, set against the backdrop of macro cycles
- Insights into your planetary transits, eclipses, solar return, annual profections + secondary progressions
- Personalized PDF guide (50+ pages) with additional details such as specific dates and significant time periods
- Video/audio recording + automated transcript
Important: you need to have a basic understanding of your Groundworks before we can look at transits & other timing techniques

Baseline price
Sliding scale
-35% | -15% | +15% | +35%
€188 | €246 | €333 | €391
Allowing me to lay out your Terrain Ahead has a baseline price of €290 net total. There are no taxes added. This price includes a 2 to 3-hour session (€270) and a PDF guide (50+ pages) for further dates and details (€20).
Please note that this service is non-refundable, given its personally tailored nature and the amount of work it takes to find the red thread in your personal life cycles. I request your payment in advance, and will send you an invoice upon scheduling your session. Once received in full, your time slot will be confirmed. No changes can be made hereafter. I only reschedule your session in the face of exceptional personal circumstances.
If you feel drawn to work with me, but can’t afford my services right now, I encourage you to read more about my sliding scale prices below. Courtesy discounts of up to 35% are available to those who need it.
Grounding Green’s full Terms & Conditions apply.
Regardless of the ‘American Dream’ type of propaganda you’ve been fed, not everybody receives the same kind of opportunities in life. According to research conducted by Oxfam Novib, the wealthiest 1% of people own almost half of the world’s wealth, whilst 800 million people still go to bed hungry every day. These statistics are insane, and yet this is the world we live in.
Needless to say, I cannot change this system-wide inequality by myself. And yet, I want to set an example of the type of world I do want to live in, whilst remaining able to secure my own livelihood at the same time. Because somewhere in between these far ends of the inequality spectrum, are people like you and me. Even among the wealthiest nations of the planet, inequality shows itself in various ways. Guidance toward self-actualization is often only accessible to the most priviliged. Yet, it is my belief that the world would be a much better place if everyone could make their unique contribution to it by doing what they truly love to do. Besides, everybody deserves that opportunity.
The Wheel of Privilege and Power was originally developed by the Canadian Council of Refugees in an attempt to map out where the imbalances predominantly exist. The concept is simple: the less access you have to power within any given society, the more marginalized you are. As a few examples, power typically gets refused to those who have a low formal education level, dark skin color, are female, homosexual, physically disabled or neurodivergent. For a full overview, please click the link above. Many people have extended the original wheel since then in order to include even more marginalized groups.
If you recognize yourself in any of these categories, or have other reasons to believe that your chances in life are being compromised, you may select the sliding scale price upon booking your appointment. There really is no shame in doing so, as it is probably not your fault. Moreover, there will be no questions asked, because I trust that you can gauge your own financial situation alongside your need for help with integrity.
When you choose a sliding scale price, you can get up to 35% off compared to the baseline price. This means that you’ll only pay €188.50 for my Terrain Ahead service instead of the regular €290 according to the best case scenario. If you’re reading this and have just become aware of the amount of privilege you actually have, I simultaneously encourage you to donate up to 35% on top of my service fee, so that the sliding scale price can remain available to those who truly need it.
To schedule your Terrain Ahead session, please reach out to me via the Contact Form below. I’ll get in touch with you as soon as I can.
My standard practice is to meet online, via Zoom. This allows me to work with people from all over the globe. Even if you live locally, a virtual session still offers tremendous benefit to you; I can record my screen and audio at the same time, so that when you go back to the recording in the future, you will see me highlighting the exact transits I’m talking about on screen. Nonetheless, if you still prefer to meet in real life, I can also travel to your home or to an alternative venue of your choice – as long as it allows for a private and undisturbed conversation. A travel fee of €0.23 per kilometer applies outside a range of 10 kilometers from my home in The Hague, The Netherlands.
I am able to converse with you in both English and Dutch, the latter being my mother tongue. Note that the additional material for self-study will be provided in English. It’s helpful to know that I have a knack for languages, and so you can also occasionally address me in your mother tongue (most notably German, French, Italian or Spanish) should words fail you during our session.
That’s the million dollar question! Over the course of millennia, astrologers have found correlations between what happens in the skies and events here on Earth. “As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul” (Hermes Trismegistus). This started out with very simple empirical observations, such as: “when an eclipse takes place, the king dies”, but became increasingly sophisticated over time.
Although no astrologer can predict your future with 100% certainty, we do now know the various manifestation potentials of each transit. This allows us to get ahead of the transit by anticipating what it needs from you, which typically means that it plays out less destructively than it otherwise would or that you can use the wind in your back to its fullest potential.
Generally speaking, I will start your Terrain Ahead session by setting the stage of your life at a macro level. I’ll show you where you’re at in terms of your big life cycles, such as “in between your Saturn return and your Uranus opposition” (between ages 30 and 40), or “at your Chiron return” (age 50). Don’t worry, I’ll obviously explain what these things mean for you and your life in layman’s terms. As part of this macro picture, I’ll also glimpse at your Secondary Progressions – particularly the lunation phase that you’re currently in, that lasts 2-3 years as part of a bigger, 30-year cycle. When looking at your Solar Return, Annual Profections and Planetary transits of the next 12 months hereafter, we can then place them in this bigger context. Regarding transits, I tend not to take into consideration the faster-moving planets (Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars) except for their retrograde motions, because these typically last only a few days or weeks, and it becomes very easy to lose the forest for the trees when trying to forecast your year ahead.
Having said that, the timeframe that you want to look at in your Terrain Ahead session is ultimately up to you, and can certainly change according to your personal wishes. If you are particularly concerned with events in the here and now, we can zoom into just the upcoming few weeks or months. And of you’d rather have a big picture overview of your life’s direction instead, then we zoom out towards the next 10 years. The only thing to keep in mind is this: the longer your chosen timeframe, the more macro-level your insights will be, and the shorter your chosen timeframe, the more we get into the nitty-gritty parts of life.
Absolutely! Although understanding your Terrain Ahead is always useful, it can be particularly so when you’re looking to plan some kind of big life event such as a move, career change, product launch, long-distance travel, wedding, or even a potential pregnancy. For any and all of these types of happenings, we can predict when your chances of success will be greatest.
Often bought together
= €1150
Digging Deeper
Learning about your natal potential and actually living it are not the same thing. Through one-on-one coaching, we get into the nitty-gritty of your birth chart and what's preventing you from living a truly conscious, fulfilling and authentic life.
You may have dipped your toes into the world of personal development, or perhaps even "worked" on yourself for the past decade. Yet somehow, you still keep running into the same roadblocks. You can't seem to figure out why. All the coaches you hired, and all the books you read offered incredible insights, but didn't bring the durable change you were after. You are still haunted by your limiting beliefs, and know that you have so much more to offer the world than you've been able to do so far.
The thing is: in order to move forward, you have to move backward first. You have to tend to your roots and securely anchor them into fertile soil. You don't build a new life based on a mere intention to do things differently after you got inspired by someone's motivational talk. It may work for a few days or weeks, but at some point, you'll slip back into your old patterns and probably feel even worse about yourself than you did before your little excursion. That's because you're pumping yourself up with artificial fertilizer in order to produce flowers and fruits as a way to showcase your value to the world, whilst you're actually eroding the land that has to sustain you long-term.
Genuine and sustainable growth means reconnecting with your body's sensations, holding space for your inner child's experience, confronting your own shadows and digging deep into your raison d'être. It's a process of disintegration, and it can be lonely and messy. In Human Design lingo, we call it 'deconditioning'. Even though I have full faith in your capabilities to face this process, I know from experience that it can be quite daunting peeling away the fake layers of your existence all by yourself. To have someone walk the path alongside you, can offer tremendous relief.
Through my one-on-one coaching, I can offer you the support, tenacious insights and practical tools for this journey – drawing upon knowledge gained from deep trauma work, somatic practices, attachment theory, family constellations, mindfulness, esoteric disciplines, behavioral sciences and so much more. With my completely open Solar Plexus and 12th house Scorpio Moon, I'm deeply empathetic and particularly adept at spotting what's boiling beneath any surface – often seeing what others are missing. Moreover, as a Mental Projector, I can hear the clarity of your personal truth when it arrives, so that I can reassure you that you're doing the right thing for you when you're still gaslighting yourself. This way, you'll build your muscle of self-attunement over time.
- 1.5-hour coaching session filled with probing questions, insights and practical guidance to help you fully embody your natal potential in real life
Note: these sessions are best booked as a package of several in order for us to go really deep, but feel free to try out just the one first.

Baseline price
Sliding scale
-35% | -15% | +15% | +35%
€74 | €97 | €132 | €155
Digging Deeper together has a baseline price of €115 net total for a 1.5 hour coaching session. There are no taxes added.
Please note that this service has a 7-day cancellation policy. I only reschedule your session in the face of exceptional personal circumstances.
If you feel drawn to work with me, but can’t afford my services right now, I encourage you to read more about my sliding scale prices below. Courtesy discounts of up to 35% are available to those who need it.
Grounding Green’s full Terms & Conditions apply.
Regardless of the ‘American Dream’ type of propaganda you’ve been fed, not everybody receives the same kind of opportunities in life. According to research conducted by Oxfam Novib, the wealthiest 1% of people own almost half of the world’s wealth, whilst 800 million people still go to bed hungry every day. These statistics are insane, and yet this is the world we live in.
Needless to say, I cannot change this system-wide inequality by myself. And yet, I want to set an example of the type of world I do want to live in, whilst remaining able to secure my own livelihood at the same time. Because somewhere in between these far ends of the inequality spectrum, are people like you and me. Even among the wealthiest nations of the planet, inequality shows itself in various ways. Guidance toward self-actualization is often only accessible to the most priviliged. Yet, it is my belief that the world would be a much better place if everyone could make their unique contribution to it by doing what they truly love to do. Besides, everybody deserves that opportunity.
The Wheel of Privilege and Power was originally developed by the Canadian Council of Refugees in an attempt to map out where the imbalances predominantly exist. The concept is simple: the less access you have to power within any given society, the more marginalized you are. As a few examples, power typically gets refused to those who have a low formal education level, dark skin color, are female, homosexual, physically disabled or neurodivergent. For a full overview, please click the link above. Many people have extended the original wheel since then in order to include even more marginalized groups.
If you recognize yourself in any of these categories, or have other reasons to believe that your chances in life are being compromised, you may select the sliding scale price upon booking your appointment. There really is no shame in doing so, as it is probably not your fault. Moreover, there will be no questions asked, because I trust that you can gauge your own financial situation alongside your need for help with integrity.
When you choose a sliding scale price, you can get up to 35% off compared to the baseline price. This means that you’ll only pay €74.75 for my Digging Deeper service instead of the regular €115 according to the best case scenario. If you’re reading this and have just become aware of the amount of privilege you actually have, I simultaneously encourage you to donate up to 35% on top of my service fee, so that the sliding scale price can remain available to those who truly need it.
To schedule one or more Digging Deeper sessions, please reach out to me via the Contact Form below. I’ll get in touch with you as soon as I can.
My standard practice is to meet online, via Zoom. This allows me to work with people from all over the globe. Even if you live locally, a virtual session still offers tremendous benefit to you; you get to stay in your own aura and personal safe space so that you can better tune into yourself and your personal experience. Nonetheless, if you still prefer to meet in real life, I can also travel to your home or to an alternative venue of your choice – as long as it allows for a private and undisturbed conversation. A travel fee of €0.23 per kilometer applies outside a range of 10 kilometers from my home in The Hague, The Netherlands.
I am able to converse with you in both English and Dutch, the latter being my mother tongue. Note that the additional material for self-study will be provided in English. It’s helpful to know that I have a knack for languages, and so you can also occasionally address me in your mother tongue (most notably German, French, Italian or Spanish) should words fail you during our session.
This is a difficult question to answer upfront, as it so depends on your personal situation and history. For some people, 1 session can already jumpstart their process, whereas others are more likely to need extended support and guidance because they’re so severed from their inner truth. If you’re unsure, then I recommend starting with 6 to 8 sessions, which tends to be a manageable time, money and energy investment for most people. After that, we simply see how it goes and can readjust depending on your needs and wants.

Baseline price
Sliding scale
-35% | -15% | +15% | +35%
€286 | €374 | €506 | €594
Into the Woods
You have a specific situation, problem or question that you want to better understand and resolve. We dive deep into the patterning that surrounds it, using mutually reinforcing tools, so that the road becomes clear for you to move ahead.
You know the benefits of being coached, but don't have the capacity to commit yourself to a long-term trajectory right now. Besides, understanding the Pareto principle, you know that if you just got your biggest roadblock resolved, you'd feel a lot better already. For this service, you therefore choose a very specific problem, situation or question that's bothering you right now and that you want to get fixed. It can be related to your work, health, relationship(s), children, pets, money – or really anything you want. Together, we'll seek to understand what exactly is going on and troubleshoot until we've found one or more practical solutions that will alleviate your struggle.
Sounds easy enough? In theory, yes. However, what we think is the problem, is rarely the actual problem. Therefore, session 1 will be all about getting the right diagnosis. We get to the root of your conundrum as you will be asked a series of probing and incisive questions, until we reach a point at which we’ve clarified your request for help. We then do a first constellation exercise, in which we make the subconscious patterns surrounding your situation even more tangible and real. This will likely turn your perception of what's going on on its head. By means of this constellation, we'll have a first attempt at clearing some of the obstacles in your path, and you'll probably feel much lighter at the end of it already.
However, we also want to make sure that this shift is sustainable. That's where session 2 comes in. In between these sessions, I will go into full detective mode and explore the dynamics of your natal Horoscope (Astrology) and BodyGraph (Human Design), along with what is getting activated at this time. Hereafter, I will come up with a practical plan for you to work with these energies in the foreseable future, such as a customized tapping script, somatic experiencing excercise, step-by-step action plan or whatever it is that the situation calls for. I will present all of this in session 2, and you'll receive study material such as book references and quotes for further integration at home where appropriate.
Because every problem, situation or question is unique, there is no one-size-fits-all script for this service, hence why it's called 'Into the Woods'. You need to be willing to remain open-minded as we leave familiar ground and go off the beaten track together – letting go of any and all preconceived notions, and opening yourself up to the possibility of how you may be (subconsciously) contributing to your situation. It is often by relinquishing control, peeling off the layers, and bringing things to light that we can achieve real transformation.
- 2 to 3-hour Problem Diagnosis & Preliminary resolution
- Max. 6-hour detective work to get to the heart of your problem
- 2 to 3-hour theories for enhanced Problem Understanding + practical next steps for a sustainable Problem Resolution
- One-page overview of your situation, along with your action plan and suggested additional reading where appropriate
- Video/audio recordings + automated transcripts
Getting Into the Woods together has a basline price of €440 net total. There are no taxes added. This price includes two separate sessions; a Problem Diagnosis in which we get to the heart of your problem or situation (€175), and the Problem Resolution session itself (€175). In between, I’ll conduct my max. 6-hour detective work (€90), of which you’ll get a one-page overview along with further suggestions for background reading and practical next steps.
Please note that a 7-day cancellation policy applies to this service. After the first Problem Diagnosis session has taken place, this service is non-refundable, given its personally tailored nature. I request your payment in advance, and will send you an invoice upon scheduling your sessions. I only reschedule your session(s) in the face of exceptional personal circumstances.
If you feel drawn to work with me, but can’t afford my services right now, I encourage you to read more about my sliding scale prices below. Courtesy discounts of up to 35% are available to those who need it.
Grounding Green’s full Terms & Conditions apply.
Regardless of the ‘American Dream’ type of propaganda you’ve been fed, not everybody receives the same kind of opportunities in life. According to research conducted by Oxfam Novib, the wealthiest 1% of people own almost half of the world’s wealth, whilst 800 million people still go to bed hungry every day. These statistics are insane, and yet this is the world we live in.
Needless to say, I cannot change this system-wide inequality by myself. And yet, I want to set an example of the type of world I do want to live in, whilst remaining able to secure my own livelihood at the same time. Because somewhere in between these far ends of the inequality spectrum, are people like you and me. Even among the wealthiest nations of the planet, inequality shows itself in various ways. Guidance toward self-actualization is often only accessible to the most priviliged. Yet, it is my belief that the world would be a much better place if everyone could make their unique contribution to it by doing what they truly love to do. Besides, everybody deserves that opportunity.
The Wheel of Privilege and Power was originally developed by the Canadian Council of Refugees in an attempt to map out where the imbalances predominantly exist. The concept is simple: the less access you have to power within any given society, the more marginalized you are. As a few examples, power typically gets refused to those who have a low formal education level, dark skin color, are female, homosexual, physically disabled or neurodivergent. For a full overview, please click the link above. Many people have extended the original wheel since then in order to include even more marginalized groups.
If you recognize yourself in any of these categories, or have other reasons to believe that your chances in life are being compromised, you may select the sliding scale price upon booking your appointment. There really is no shame in doing so, as it is probably not your fault. Moreover, there will be no questions asked, because I trust that you can gauge your own financial situation alongside your need for help with integrity.
When you choose a sliding scale price, you can get up to 35% off compared to the baseline price. This means that you’ll only pay €273 for my Into the Woods service instead of the regular €420 according to the best case scenario. If you’re reading this and have just become aware of the amount or privilege you actually have, I simultaneously encourage you to donate up to 35% on top of my service fee, so that the sliding scale price can remain available to those who truly need it.
To schedule your Into the Woods sessions, please reach out to me via the Contact Form below. I’ll get in touch with you as soon as I can.
My standard practice is to meet online, via Zoom. This allows me to work with people from all over the globe. Even if you live locally, a virtual session still offers tremendous benefit to you; you get to stay in your own aura and personal safe space so that you can better tune into yourself and your personal experience. Nonetheless, if you still prefer to meet in real life, I can also travel to your home or to an alternative venue of your choice – as long as it allows for a private and undisturbed conversation. A travel fee of €0.23 per kilometer applies outside a range of 10 kilometers from my home in The Hague, The Netherlands.
I am able to converse with you in both English and Dutch, the latter being my mother tongue. Note that the additional material for self-study will be provided in English. It’s helpful to know that I have a knack for languages, and so you can also occasionally address me in your mother tongue (most notably German, French, Italian or Spanish) should words fail you during our session.
Systemic Roots
We energetically anchor the roots to your body, sense of self, ancestry and/or even the world at large, whilst removing any undercurrents or blocks that do not belong to you. This way, you’ll feel optimally supported to reach your personal goals and free to finally start living your own life.
Systemic work presumes that all of us are driven by subconscious energetic forces that belong to the systems that we are a part of. Examples of such systems include our family of origin, our work place, the sports team that we play in or even the society we live in. As a general rule, every system demands that that which belongs inside it gets acknowledged, ordered and balanced – the three main principles of systemic work.
Problems occur when someone gets denied their rightful place inside any system. Do you know those stories of a job that appears to be jinxed, with new candidates leaving one after another? What about intergenerational trauma that seems to run through a family, despite conscious attempts to stop it? More often than not, these people subconsciously act out that which has been denied, disordered, and/or out of balance inside the system as a whole. Typically speaking, someone who feels great love for any system starts to carry the unspoken burden. Particularly when it comes to family, this can come at a heavy personal cost as the carrier essentially tries to live and work for two or more people until the systemic undercurrent gets caught.
If this person is you, then you may feel blocked in your personal endeavors, such as your close relationships, career goals, physical and/or mental health, without fully grasping what’s hindering your progress. All you know is that your immense efforts don’t lead to the desired results, no matter how hard you try. It’s like nothing in your life is ever working out – it just doesn’t seem to “flow”. You may keep repeating the same patterns in romantic relationships, experience continuous cycles of depression and burn-out, or keep getting into fights with your superiors at work – to give just a few examples.
Drawing upon the work of Bert Hellinger, who birthed the theory and practice of systemic work in the 1980s, a Constellation exercise will help you shed light on what may be subconsciously going on inside your family system, the connection you have with your body, sense of self, workplace, and/or the world at large that stands in the way of your overall well-being. It makes what you’re dealing with visible, tangible and concrete so that it can finally be resolved. It is a type of psychodrama – a roleplay that portrays reality – that utilizes real but unfamiliar people, objects or anchors as representatives for the members of your system, blockages, feelings, goals and so forth.
It is hard to describe what exactly happens in a Constellation, but experience shows that representatives – whether animate or inanimate – somehow pick up on what is clinging to you on a subconscious level. By acknowledging what tries to make itself known through all kinds of surface-level symptoms in your life, you retrieve both the freedom and support that was lost to you before, so you can finally start living your most optimal life.
A 2 to 3-hour session, that includes;
- Mapping out the basics of your situation (workplace, family, place in the world, etc.)
- Clarifying your request for help
- Constellation exercise, using objects or paper sheets on a tabletop or floor
- Debrief
Note: I'll send you a list of questions for you to answer prior to your session to make optimal use of our time.
Important: depending on the scale and complexity of your personal history and that of your family of origin, we may need more than one session.

Baseline price
Sliding scale
-35% | -15% | +15% | +35%
€152 | €199 | €270 | €317
Allowing me to re-anchor your Systemic Roots has a baseline price of €235 net total. There are no taxes added. This price includes a 2 to 3-hour session (€210), as well as a comprehensive survey upfront that helps clarify your unique systemic situation (€25). This way, we can get to the heart of the matter more quickly in the constellation session itself.
Please note that a 7-day cancellation policy applies to this service. I request your payment in advance, and will send you an invoice upon scheduling your session. I only reschedule your session in the face of exceptional personal circumstances.
If you feel drawn to work with me, but can’t afford my services right now, I encourage you to read more about my sliding scale prices below. Courtesy discounts of up to 35% are available to those who need it.
Grounding Green’s full Terms & Conditions apply.
Regardless of the ‘American Dream’ type of propaganda you’ve been fed, not everybody receives the same kind of opportunities in life. According to research conducted by Oxfam Novib, the wealthiest 1% of people own almost half of the world’s wealth, whilst 800 million people still go to bed hungry every day. These statistics are insane, and yet this is the world we live in.
Needless to say, I cannot change this system-wide inequality by myself. And yet, I want to set an example of the type of world I do want to live in, whilst remaining able to secure my own livelihood at the same time. Because somewhere in between these far ends of the inequality spectrum, are people like you and me. Even among the wealthiest nations of the planet, inequality shows itself in various ways. Guidance toward self-actualization is often only accessible to the most priviliged. Yet, it is my belief that the world would be a much better place if everyone could make their unique contribution to it by doing what they truly love to do. Besides, everybody deserves that opportunity.
The Wheel of Privilege and Power was originally developed by the Canadian Council of Refugees in an attempt to map out where the imbalances predominantly exist. The concept is simple: the less access you have to power within any given society, the more marginalized you are. As a few examples, power typically gets refused to those who have a low formal education level, dark skin color, are female, homosexual, physically disabled or neurodivergent. For a full overview, please click the link above. Many people have extended the original wheel since then in order to include even more marginalized groups.
If you recognize yourself in any of these categories, or have other reasons to believe that your chances in life are being compromised, you may select the sliding scale price upon booking your appointment. There really is no shame in doing so, as it is probably not your fault. Moreover, there will be no questions asked, because I trust that you can gauge your own financial situation alongside your need for help with integrity.
When you choose a sliding scale price, you can get up to 35% off compared to the baseline price. This means that you’ll only pay €152.75 for my Systemic Roots service instead of the regular €235 according to the best case scenario. If you’re reading this and have just become aware of the amount of privilege you actually have, I simultaneously encourage you to donate up to 35% on top of my service fee, so that the sliding scale price can remain available to those who truly need it.
To schedule your Family Tree session, please reach out to me via the Business Calendar below. I’ll get in touch with you as soon as I can.
My standard practice is to meet online, via Zoom. This allows me to work with people from all over the globe. Even if you live locally, a virtual session still offers tremendous benefit to you; you get to stay in your own aura and personal safe space so that you can better tune into yourself and your personal experience. Nonetheless, if you still prefer to meet in real life, I can also travel to your home or to an alternative venue of your choice – as long as it allows for a private and undisturbed conversation. A travel fee of €0.23 per kilometer applies outside a range of 10 kilometers from my home in The Hague, The Netherlands.
I am able to converse with you in both English and Dutch, the latter being my mother tongue. Note that the additional material for self-study will be provided in English. It’s helpful to know that I have a knack for languages, and so you can also occasionally address me in your mother tongue (most notably German, French, Italian or Spanish) should words fail you during our session.
The possible variations of a Constellation exercise are truly endless! Many practitioners do a “standard” Family Constellation that helps you feel more rooted inside your family of origin. When you have internally accepted your father, mother, brothers, sisters, etc. – regardless of whether they’re alive or not – you (re)gain access to your personal life force and drive, as well as a sense of safety and belonging. When we lay out an entire family tree, you may even receive messages from some far-away ancestors that can help you understand the unspoken intergenerational patterns.
However, the beauty of systemic work is that it can be very easily adjusted to your personal needs. For instance, constellations are also very insightful for figuring out the root cause of a specific problem or even the emotional ties to a physical symptom or illness. By a similar token, they can help you better understand what is blocking you in reaching your personal goals, such as starting a business venture or achieving intimacy in a close relationship.
If you are faced with having to make an important decision, a constellation can help you distinguish between the truth of your mind and that of your heart or inner authority in Human Design. We could even travel through all nine energy centers of your BodyGraph, to listen to the messages of your “self” versus “not-self”.
In other words… if you have an incling for a unique direction for your Constellation, let me know!
No, that’s the beauty of systemic work. You don’t need to be clear on what exactly is hindering you. A constellation exercise can help as long as there is genuine interest in finding out what is going on. That which wants to make itself known, will typically do so in a constellation. Because of this, each and every family constellation is unique and the outcome of it can’t be predicted.
I understand that, and I’ve been there. My work tends to attract a lot of neurosparkly people – particularly those who identify as being intellectually gifted (having an IQ of 130+) – like myself. Trust me when I say that I understand your troubles of trying to find your place in a world that wasn’t designed for you. I often witness deep pain in people who are gifted, autistic or have ADHD and have far too often dealt with being othered and ostracized.
This tends to be especially so for the gifted. Even after you’ve figured out that your intelligence significantly deviates from the norm and a lot of the puzzle pieces may have fallen into place for you, life can still feel like a struggle. The way of dealing with this pain of being a misfit depends from person to person.
Some have learned to suppress their unicorn self and everything that comes with it. They’ve gotten so accustomed to having to mask and tone themselves down in order to fit in, that they’ve lost touch with the core of their being. If this sounds like you, then you unconsciously fight your intensity, swallow your “difficult” questions and try not to attract too much attention to yourself. All the while, you feel caged, and like you’re living a life that doesn’t fully belong to you. Chances are, you also feel chronically depressed.
Others have learned to overly express themselves instead – unwilling to adjust to anything or anyone. Just like the ones who suppress, they’re trying to claim their place in the world by force – except this time, that force gets pushed outward instead of inward. If this person is you, then you’re likely to wear your heart on your sleeve and have no problems making ultra-special requests for your personal sake in group settings. Others may respond to this behavior by calling you “too much” or “unwilling to compromise”, though you can appear to remain oblivious to their remarks.
Whilst these ways of coping are by no means limited to neurodivergent people, they tend to be greatly intensified in those who identify as such. If you’re falling anywhere on the extreme ends of the spectrum from suppression to over-expression, then perhaps it’s time to establish a healthier relationship with your neurodivergence. Although I do not claim to be able to take away a lifetime of pain in just one session, a constellation exercise can certainly help with feeling like you have a place in this world despite all of your differences. In it, we can for example explore how you view your neurodivergence, how others have responded to it in the past, and perhaps most importantly: seek an anchor that helps you, too, feel like you belong.
Sprouting your Business Vision
Together we translate your big vision into a concrete business strategy and marketing plan that fit your unique personal preferences and strengths. To do this in a truly sustainable way, we first need to free you from all baggage and conditioning that does not serve you or your mission.
You are an idealist at heart, and long to start your own business around your personal sense of mission. However, when it comes to the business side of things, you have no idea where to get started. Or perhaps you have given it a good swing yourself, only to have ended up frustrated and exhausted by your apparent lack of forward movement or tangible results. Deep down you know that your power lies in your ability to imagine a different future, not necessarily in the practical execution of your big vision.
However, all the business and marketing advice you've come across so far feels yucky – very much out of alignment with your deepest essence. You quite literally get the chills from "cold" calling, or aggressive e-mail sequences and count-down clocks that urge your customers to BUY NOW. Quite frankly, that feels more like manipulation rather than good business practice to you. Does that mean that your business venture is doomed to fail and will forever be seen as an expensive hobby? Certainly not.
If you allow me to guide you through the intensive birthing process of Sprouting your Business Vision, you'll likely find that there actually is a way to have business success without selling your soul. Yet, unlike what many business coaches try to sell you; there is no quick fix for this. Authentic entrepreneurship involves a process of radical self-honesty and unlearning everything that doesn't serve you and your mission moving forward, such as untangling the capitalistic narrative inside your mind, reframing what true success actually means to you, and exposing your blind spots and your deepest fears around authentic self-expression. Whilst the process may be cathartic and messy, the end result is more than worth it. It's like we're digging for diamonds inside the mud – only the sustainable version of that.
Together we'll draft a business strategy and accompanying marketing plan that fits you and your mission like a glove. By harnessing your personal strengths and passions, and using your big vision as your driving force when the going gets tough, you'll never have to work another day in your life.
- 12 times a 2 to 3-hour session, over the course of 4 lunation cycles
- Weekly homework assignments and feedback
- Guiding you through all the business and marketing essentials, such as defining your value proposition, target market, business model, branding, competition, means of promotion, customer loyalty and more
- An intense journey of personal development
- Practical tools, such as meditations, somatic exercises and constellations that help you connect with your personal truth
- Regular peeks at your Astrology, Human Design and Gene Keys natal charts for personalized guidance
Important: I only work with those who want to create a true win-win-win situation: a business that benefits you, your clients, and the world at large at the same time. A selection process applies to ensure that we're a good fit.

Baseline price
Sliding scale
-35% | -15% | +15% | +35%
€2457 | €3213 | €4347 | €5103
Sprouting your Business Vision together has a baseline price of €3780 net total, or €315 per session. There are no taxes added. This price includes 12 times a 2 to 3-hour session (worth €225 each), a max. 1-hour homework check before each session (€37.50), and a 2 to 3-hour preparation time before each session to develop exercises tailored to your unique situation (€52.50).
Your payment is requested in advance, and you may choose to pay in full, or in 4 installments of €945 each. I am very flexible with my cancellation policy, because this work requires your full commitment and there’s no point in continuing our sessions when you can’t prepare for them. Therefore, you may choose to terminate your trajectory free of charge given at least a 7-day notice period. In the event of cancellation, any existing prepayment will be refunded.
If you want, you can also include a Groundworks report in this package at a surcharge of €230. This can help you make even more informed decisions for your personal business journey. The total cost would then be €4010. Note that the Groundworks report is non-refundable, given its personally tailored nature.
Finally, all sessions take place on a fixed day and time of the week – to be decided depending on our mutual preferences. Experience has taught me that this creates a solid container that facilitates momentum. A maximum of 2 reschedulings can be allowed in the case of unforeseen circumstances. Any alterations after that will be at a fee of €45 per rescheduling.
If you feel drawn to work with me, but can’t afford my services right now, I encourage you to read more about my sliding scale prices below. Courtesy discounts of up to 35% are available to those who need it.
Grounding Green’s full Terms & Conditions apply.
Regardless of the ‘American Dream’ type of propaganda you’ve been fed, not everybody receives the same kind of opportunities in life. According to research conducted by Oxfam Novib, the wealthiest 1% of people own almost half of the world’s wealth, whilst 800 million people still go to bed hungry every day. These statistics are insane, and yet this is the world we live in.
Needless to say, I cannot change this system-wide inequality by myself. And yet, I want to set an example of the type of world I do want to live in, whilst remaining able to secure my own livelihood at the same time. Because somewhere in between these far ends of the inequality spectrum, are people like you and me. Even among the wealthiest nations of the planet, inequality shows itself in various ways. Guidance toward self-actualization is often only accessible to the most priviliged. Yet, it is my belief that the world would be a much better place if everyone could make their unique contribution to it by doing what they truly love to do. Besides, everybody deserves that opportunity.
The Wheel of Privilege and Power was originally developed by the Canadian Council of Refugees in an attempt to map out where the imbalances predominantly exist. The concept is simple: the less access you have to power within any given society, the more marginalized you are. As a few examples, power typically gets refused to those who have a low formal education level, dark skin color, are female, homosexual, physically disabled or neurodivergent. For a full overview, please click the link above. Many people have extended the original wheel since then in order to include even more marginalized groups.
If you recognize yourself in any of these categories, or have other reasons to believe that your chances in life are being compromised, you may select the sliding scale price upon booking your appointment. There really is no shame in doing so, as it is probably not your fault. Moreover, there will be no questions asked, because I trust that you can gauge your own financial situation alongside your need for help with integrity.
When you choose a sliding scale price, you can get up to 35% off compared to the baseline price. This means that you’ll only pay €2457 for my Sprouting your Business Vision service instead of the regular €3780 according to the best case scenario. If you’re reading this and have just become aware of the amount of privilege you actually have, I simultaneously encourage you to donate up to 35% on top of my service fee, so that the sliding scale price can remain available to those who truly need it.
To apply for the Sprouting your Business Vision trajectory, please reach out to me via the Contact Form below. I’ll hereafter send you an application form as soon as I can. If I feel that we’re a good fit based on your answers, I will hereafter schedule a (free) introduction call to get to know each other and finalize the details of your trajectory. Note that you may still opt out after this call.
With regard to the coaching trajectory itself, my standard practice is to alternate between meeting online, via Zoom, and in real life. For our Zoom sessions, we can easily talk through your homework assignments as they are broadcast on screen. For our creative brainstorm sessions, we can meet at your home, at a local park or another venue of your preference – as long as it allows for a private and undisturbed conversation. Note that a travel fee of €0.23 per kilometer applies outside a range of 10 kilometers from my home in The Hague, The Netherlands.
I am able to converse with you in both English and Dutch, the latter being my mother tongue. Note that the additional material for self-study will be provided in English. It’s helpful to know that I have a knack for languages, and so you can also occasionally address me in your mother tongue (most notably German, French, Italian or Spanish) should words fail you during our session.
In this intensive coaching trajectory, I have merged the worlds of business, activism and personal development. This multi-disciplinary approach is rather unique.
With my Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration & Hospitality Management, my Master’s degree in Business Adminstration with a special focus on Marketing and Consumer Psychology, and my professional background working in (online) marketing for hotels, start-ups and a corporate law firm, I am very well-equipped to teach you all the ins and outs of business and marketing.
However, I have personally found that these best practices do not all work for aspiring innovative and sustainable entrepreneurs, who often have a strong moral compass and vision for a better tomorrow that clashes with how business is typically done. They often find themselves torn between making money and following their convictions. These types of dilemmas are not understood by the majority of business coaches out there.
What’s more, is that for entrepreneurship to be truly sustainable for yourself as well – meaning it does not lead to burn-out or premature quitting – any business plan needs to align with your personal values, strengths and energetic blueprint. For this, you need to be strongly rooted inside yourself, and know your personal boundaries. This is often a serious pitfall for many activists, who have a tendency to just give and give, forgetting that they, too, have, needs that need tending to.
I do not make empty promises about what this process truly looks like. It’s tempting to want to fall for all the quick fixes that you see on TikTok, YouTube or Instagram, but building a business in a truly sustainable way, takes effort, time and radical self-honesty. It is choosing what is right over what is easy every single time. If you’re up for this task, then I’d be honored to be your guide along the way.
I want to work with you!
If you're interested in one or more of the above services, then please go ahead and fill out the below service request form. Note that your details will solely be used to set up the requested services, and in accordance with Grounding Green's Privacy Policy. After you've submitted the form, I will be in touch with you to schedule your session(s) or proceed with your application as soon as I can.
Get in touch
Don’t find what you’re looking for, but feel drawn to work with me nonetheless? Reach out to find out how these offerings can be tailored to your specific needs. I’m also more than happy to clarify anything that’s unclear to you still. Whatever your question or concern, know that you can always get in touch and/or schedule a 15-minute call free of charge to get acquainted first.